Thursday 18 July 2013


For the last 2 weeks leading up to Mandela day I have been one of the millions caught up in the hyper but as I was driving to work this morning a realisation hit me. Mandela is just a man and what he has "done" for us is a drop in the ocean of what God does for us on a daily basis. The radio stations are punting his name, schools have little children doing activities in the name of Nelson Mandela, the lists go on and on.

Exodus 20 vs “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Today instead of doing 67 minutes for Nelson Mandela, I am praying for 67 things

1. I pray Jesus that you would touch the life of the homeless man I drive past everyday on the way to work, he does not beg, he just stands by the robot and watches the cars.

2. I pray that you would bless people with wisdom and compassion so we might know how to help homeless people.

3. I pray for everyone with addictions including myself that God would break our bondage.

4. I thank you for ever day we get to spend on this Earth.

5. I thank you for our jobs and work and that we are able to glorify your day through this.

6. I pray that today people would remember you and the great work you do.

7. I thank you for all our loved ones and ask that you keep them safe.

8. I pray that we would have no idols but worship you Lord as the one and only God.

9. I pray for the wisdom to manage my finances and get my family out of debt.


This blog is not complete and I will be adding to it through out the day

Monday 10 June 2013

Winter is here!!!

 The very icy chill in the air this morning declared that winter for Johannesburg is indeed here.

The best part about winter (in my opinion) is snuggling when it is cold and my favourite snuggle partners are my 4 legged fury friends.
Some of my snuggle buddies - Above Tiny and Dashing.
Right Spider

Wednesday 5 June 2013

My Walk of Shame

This past Saturday, I took myself and 4 of my brood on the Melville Koppies dog hike which takes place the first Saturday of each month. This is the second time I have done this walk/hike but it was no less hectic than when I did it last month.

My dogs put me to shame, my puppy Dash of 6 months managed the walk of 3.6km just fine and even Mini my female pincher who I thought would defiantly need to be carried at some point did not ask to be picked up once.
I was even beaten by an old lady who must of been 65+.........

        but there was me, right at the back, puffing and panting, bright red in the face. I really didn't think I would make it up the last hill, I wanted to lie on the ground and pass out! My 4 kept running back to me as if to say come on Mom you can do it, keep up now.

This is a photo of Tiny, Mini and Spider, 3 of my min pins and Dashing my Sausage puppy who looks like he turned back just in time to pull a tongue at the camera.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

23 January 2013

I know this sounds so ungrateful but maybe by the end of this post I will feel a bit better!
I am really hating this life, to get to work on time in Johannesburg is a fairy tale! I just cant do it!
At the company I work for, it is unacceptable to be late for work, even by 5 minutes. I have already received a warning for my tardiness and if 2013 continues this way I will be getting another one!
What time do I have to wake up and leave for work to get to work on time? Maybe I should just sleep in my car at the office, then at least I will be early.
I work in Kyalami and I live in Northriding so I have to approx travel 16km - 20km to work and the only way to get to where I am going is 1. on the freeway or 2. on main roads both of which are packed with traffic each and everyday. And to add to the frustration, you have to deal with wild cards like taxi's, vehicles broken down and accidents!
I just wish I could work from home but this process of getting the business up and running and making enough profit is taking so long.
I should be thankful I have a good job, I should be thankful I have a car to get to work, I should be thankful that I owe a house, but I just feel so negative today about not being about to get to work on time.

Monday 21 January 2013

21 January 2013

We are 21 days into 2013 and almost finished the first month of the year.

This small fact is significant to me because I have yet to achieve or start the process to achieve some of my goals for 2013 (I sewed the dog chewed crotch of my tights this morning, but that does not count, I am just going broke replacing all the items my dogs eat!) 

My biggest personal goal of 2013 is to weigh 60kgs or less (me and the rest of the women on planet Earth) and I am about 20kgs away from this goal. Tonight I will be going to visit my old friend Jim for a good old work out and to start my “New Years Resolution” 21 days after the fact.

I will also be stepping onto the truth machine (scale) and see exactly how far away I am from my goal weight.

Thursday 17 January 2013

17 January 2013

These are my feet, in my shoes this morning. Now some may think it is very strange to wear 2 different shoes to work, but  I don't.                
You see, the black pump was part of a pair and they happen to be the last pair of shoes (besides for a pair of boots and bright pink heels) I own that my dogs have not destroyed!
Sadly my black pump's life came to an abrupt end as Krillin, my min pin, stole my shoe while i was watching TV and murdered it.
And so today I am sporting 2 different shoes on my feet!                  

Friday 11 January 2013

11 November 2013

The quote 'you hurt the ones you love' rang true this morning when I was attacked with love. My wonderful pups were so ecstatic in the morning they can not contain their joy at the sight of me in the morning and as a result. . . . . . . . . . . . . 

..................a huge blue bruise on my thigh!

Thursday 10 January 2013

10 January 2013

My brain feels as messy as my desk today, I have so many ideas and plans I cant seem to focus on one thing.
I am missing the holidays, missing being at home everyday with my dogs, waking up when I wake up (normally at 7am). It is motivating me to get on top of my business, expand it and make it work. My dream is to work from home doing things I enjoy, trekking to a desk and working with nasty people 5 out of 7 days a week is not the life for me!

So I have busy with all kinds of different ideas and research today, website ideas, app ideas, logo ideas, craft ideas, so many ideas where do I even start............................