Monday 10 June 2013

Winter is here!!!

 The very icy chill in the air this morning declared that winter for Johannesburg is indeed here.

The best part about winter (in my opinion) is snuggling when it is cold and my favourite snuggle partners are my 4 legged fury friends.
Some of my snuggle buddies - Above Tiny and Dashing.
Right Spider

Wednesday 5 June 2013

My Walk of Shame

This past Saturday, I took myself and 4 of my brood on the Melville Koppies dog hike which takes place the first Saturday of each month. This is the second time I have done this walk/hike but it was no less hectic than when I did it last month.

My dogs put me to shame, my puppy Dash of 6 months managed the walk of 3.6km just fine and even Mini my female pincher who I thought would defiantly need to be carried at some point did not ask to be picked up once.
I was even beaten by an old lady who must of been 65+.........

        but there was me, right at the back, puffing and panting, bright red in the face. I really didn't think I would make it up the last hill, I wanted to lie on the ground and pass out! My 4 kept running back to me as if to say come on Mom you can do it, keep up now.

This is a photo of Tiny, Mini and Spider, 3 of my min pins and Dashing my Sausage puppy who looks like he turned back just in time to pull a tongue at the camera.