Tuesday 30 October 2012

My Granny

My Granny has been very sick, she has a mass on her ovaries which looks to be cancerous. It was such a great relief to me speaking to her today and she sounded very upbeat and happy.

She has been in and out of the hospital the last few weeks having an op and scans and tests but today she was finally released and is now an out patient and she will be starting her chemo on the 13 Nov.

It has been very difficult for her in the hospital, she has spent her whole life sleeping next to my Grandpa every night and now to be sick and sleep in a strange place with 7 other women. I am glad she is home and think she will have a faster recovery in her own house her and my Grandpa built when they were newly weds.

XxXxXx Please pray for my Gran and everyone else with cancer.

Heart Break , a different kind

Thanks FNB for breaking my heart!

This morning we found out FNB has declined our home loan and they didn't even bother to let us know, we had to phone them. It is really disappointing as both myself and my boyfriend bank with FNB, we moved everything over to FNB, bank accounts, credit cards, loans etc and yet they are the first (and hopefully last) to decline us!

Our applications are still pending with the other banks but we have to wait about 5 more days to find out the results.

XxXxX Crossing my fingers and toes

Wednesday 24 October 2012

So here I am...

It has been over a year since I last blogged and I just used the loo and realised I have had my underwear on back to front the whole day and that triggered my thoughts towards blogging again...........so here i am.

The biggest thing happening in my life at the moment is I am trying to buy a house.

I am very proud of the fact that I am 25yr and my boyfriend 24yr, and we are buying a freaking HOUSE! We are going to own a piece of land, a piece of the world!

Buying a house is super hard, it is not like buying a car or getting a cellphone contract, it is an extremely long and complicated process.
At the moment, we have our OTP and we have submitted our docs to these bond originators. We will only know in 5 to 10 working day if we will be able to get a home loan! Today is only day 1 of what seems a million years to wait! Holding fingers and toes and getting more and more stressed as the seconds tick by!