Saturday 3 September 2011

Born Free

I finished my book Born Free by Joy Adamson, what an amazing book, I could not put it down.
It is the story of Joy and George Adamson who came to acquire 3 lion cubs. George had shot their mother when she tried to attack him but found out she was only protecting her cubs. They sent 2 of the lions to a zoo and kept one cub Elsa.

The story is of Elsa growing up with humans and living their lives, at 3 years they decide to release her into the wild and have to act as her pride, teaching her how to hunt and live in the wild without them. Else has 3 cubs while living in the wild, as she does not belong to another pride of lions there is no one to hunt for her while raising her babies, so Joy and George feed her and her babies while Else can not hunt for them. Else dies from a tick bite when her cubs are still to young to hunt for themselves, so Joy and George carry on feeding them.
The cubs then start raiding the locals livestock and so for them not to be killed Joy and George capture them and take them to the Serengetti National Park and release them there. They carry on feeding the cubs but soon after their release the cubs disappear and Joy never sees them again.

One of the aspects of the book that intrigues me most is the time in which they were living and where they were living. In 1956 there was no cellphone or computers, no xbox or ps3, they lived in rural Kenya which was not civilised. If they needed to go to the doctor, they had to travel for miles. There were no roads so getting a couple of flat tyres a day was normal and they fixed the tyres themselves. They lived off the land, there was no corner Spar to buy food. If they needed to correspond with someone, they had to write a letter and sent it with a runner, or send a telegram. They lived in tents where lions, elephant, rhinos etc also lived. It also amazes me that both Joy and George are no longer alive today, they were both murdered but not by dangerous animals but by man.

Thursday 1 September 2011

8 Reason I feel good today

1. It is the first day of spring, time to plant my veggie garden.

2. I have had 2 weeks off work for FREE and enjoying my time lazing around at home.

3. I bought myself an awesome book Born Free, a true story about lions and I can not put it down.

4. I have 5 amazing little doggies who woke me up with big kisses this morning.

5. The new Blackberry Bold 9900 will be released in South Africa in September (hopefully by next week)

6. The 3rd season of Vampire Dairies and 5th season of Gossip Girl are coming out this month.

7. I got 10 gigs of Internet cap today.

8. The sun is shining and the weather is great.

Spring fever is in the air, picture of my puppy Spider trying to get a piggie back ride from his Uncle Piglet.