Wednesday 24 August 2011

Au Pair kid cutting himself and taking extra meds!

After my boss gave me the week off work because Au Pair kid decided to spend the week with his mom, I got called in to have a meeting with my boss.

So apparently Au Pair kid (15) has been cutting himself on his wrists (not bled to death kind of cuts) and taking extra medication (he is on a whole bunch on natural stuff)

I think this kid is just playing everyone, he does not want to live with his dad anymore, he wants to go back to his mom so he makes some scratches on his arms and stashes some pills in his room. There was no cuts on his arms last Thursday, the last day I saw him and the day before he went to see his mother. My BF who gives him extra maths lessons, confirmed he had no cuts on his arms on Thursday. So he cuts himself before he goes to visit his mom and then shows it to her and tells her how sad his little life is!

I just dont understand how a kid who has everything can think his life sucks so much. He has the best schooling, everything money can buy, dinner on the table every night. He should thank his lucky stars that he does not have my brothers lives where they are so broke they are re-using teabags!

The conclusion to all of this, is that I now have to supervise him at all times, wake him up in the morning, keep him busy through out the day, boss him around etc etc

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