Thursday 1 November 2012


With October done and dusted, November is here and with it a new set of problems.

This morning we received an email from our land lady informing us she is giving us notice to move out of our cottage by the end of the month. Now moving out for us is not a problem, we are planning to do that in any case but we are still waiting to hear about our house and when (being positive) when get our house, when will we be able to take occupation??? We can not rent another place in the mean time, it would cost too much to move twice and be a waste of time.

On top of this, she is trying to back date charges for a rent increase we were never notified about and extra money for my mom and brother staying with us. She is really crazy if she thinks she is getting a single cent from us as the toilet has been broken for over a month, the whole house flooded on the weekend damaging our furniture.

On a more positive note, the Standard Bank assessor has gone to assess or house today so holding thumbs they are going to offer us something!

Last night for Halloween we went to Bright Water Commons with the peeps from my boyfriends work. They had a whole festival where the kids could trick or treat, a haunted house and lots of goodies to waste your money on. We all just dressed up and went to Miginty's for a few drinks.
